Cooperation on a Wider Path with the 2018 Geo-Challenger Competition
21 May 2018
The cooperation between Daleel Petroleum and Geological Society of Oman(GSO) is taking a wider path by, sponsoring the 2018 Geo-Challenger Competition organized by GSO. The competition targets 50 students from both geo and engineering disciplines. It is designed as a motivational challenge that is expected to test students` geographic knowledge and skills through a better understanding of the world that they live in. This outcome can be ensured by exposing the students to a geological outcrop learning about geology as well as matters related to exploration and development. The students then move to learn modeling and preset a development plan outlining setting, development options, economics, risk and mitigations. The sponsorship was officially signed at Daleel’s headquarter earlier in May 2018. Dr. Salah Al Dhahab, Support & Studies Senior Manager at Daleel Petroleum, was represent at the meeting along with Dr. Ibrahim Al Ismaili, GSO President for the signing of the sponsorship agreement.