Daleel Engages its Business Partners to Evaluate Overall Safety Performance
25 July 2019

To bridge communication among key safety players, Daleel Petroleum gathered its business partners with an objective to enhance the performance in Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment (QHSSE) aspects across people, communities, environment and assets. The gathering started with a brief delivered by the QHSSE Snr. Manager. It highlighted Mid-Year Safety performance and how to improve it through the remaining period of this year.
Two of the main business partners (contractors) presented their case studies and engaged the audience on their safety performance while sharing valuable HSE experiences followed by a question and answer session. On this event, Dawood Al Badaai, QHSSE Snr. Manager, stated: “We, at Daleel Petroleum, believe in Responsible Behavior towards Safety as a key driver in safe guarding our people, communities, environment and assets in aligned partnership among all relevant parties.”
The event was attended by HSE professionals from Daleel and its business partners to review and reiterate safety plans accordingly in orderto maintain desired levels of occupational standard.