Daleel Petroleum 1st Bowling Tournament
25 September 2019

Over a two days period, Daleel delivered its first Bowling Tournament at Avenues Mall Muscat. The tournament engaged almost 100 employees representing teams from various departments. A total of 21 teams were formed to compete in an atmosphere full of excitement.
Daleel Petroleum believes in the importance of its employees and their welfare as a core contributor in driving the business. Therefore, the company motivates its people to participate in various activities and campaigns like football tournaments, lose to win campaign (weight loss challenge) and the new addition the bowling tournament. The objective is to encourage employees to be active and engage with one another outside working hours.
The tournament was concluded with Information Management &Technology (IM&T) Department winning the 1st place with 1148 points, and E&D (Exploration and Development) Department coming in at 2nd place with 1069 points.