Daleel Responds to COVID-19: Business During the Pandemic
16 September 2020

First of all, we would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to our employees and business partners (contractors) for being part of Daleel’s efforts in dealing with the pandemic over the last couple of months. From the beginning, Daleel Petroleum has run its operations with consideration to Safety of Workforce as the most priority as it continues its contribution to the economy. In line with the directives of the Supreme Committee entrusted with undertaking measures to tackle developments resulting from Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the company has implemented preventive measures that have contributed significantly to safety in operations for both Daleel employees as well as its business partners.
- Readiness of Emergency Response Team
Following governmental efforts initiated to deal with COVID-19, the Emergency Response Team at Daleel Petroleum convened meetings to ensure safety of employees and contractors in both locations; Muscat and field. Moreover, the team assessed the situation and decided on required safety precautions and preventive measures at every location based on the pandemic development.
- Working Remotely From Home
To ensure social distancing among employees and business continuity, the company provided working remotely from home as one of the options. This came as a joint effort between Information Management & Technology (IM&T) Department and relevant functions.
- Series of Safety Preventive Measures (Field/Muscat)
A number of preventive measures were introduced to eliminate the spread of COVID-19 across the organization in an efficient and safe manner. Moreover, a series of communication was developed to increase the level of safety awareness among Daleel employees and its contractors focusing on:
- Safety of our people, environment and assets.
- Social distancing
- Mask wearing
- In Solidarity with the Community
Being part of social it responsibilities, Daleel employees took the initiative to stand with the community during the difficult time and facing this challenge together. The majority contributed a percentage of their salaries to the COVID-19 Fund. Furthermore, in demonstrating loyalty and collaboration, (Mazoon Petrogas SAOC (Subsidiary of MB Holding) and Mazoon Petrogas BVI (Subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation) contributed an amount of 100,000 OMR in support to the Ministry of Health.
Finally, we at ,Daleel Petroleum, would like to express our appreciation to all of you for taking responsibility in keeping yourselves and people around you safe and healthy. COVID-19 has affected countries across the globe including the Sultanate of Oman in terms of spreading of the diseases as well as mortality rates. A major role in combating the COVID-19 is to continue with the prevailing precautions and preventive measures stipulated in Daleel/MOH COVID-19 Guideline and the decisions of the Supreme Committee for Dealing with COVID-19.