Omani Women Day: Omani Women Serving Oman are A Source of Pride
17 October 2020

Omani Woman Day
"Citizens’ partnership in molding the country’s present and future is a basic pillar of national action where we hope that women will enjoy their rights as guaranteed by law, and that they will work in different fields along with men, in serving their country and society. We reiterate our continuous patronage of these national fundamentals which cannot be compromised." Haitham bin Tareq
We, both men and women, commend ourselves for being privileged in a nation that acknowledges women as partners with men in propelling growth of this country and its future generations. We are unitedly bound by our faith and by our citizenship. May the Omani woman continue her insightful ambitions, and strive to become a better person every day. She has demonstrated her competence, and shall with Allah`s grace, continue the journey outstand herself at her profession and social endeavours setting foot on solid grounds and clear realistic goals. Thus, sustain her contribution to elevate her own being, her family and her Country. Our gratitude is extended to every housewife who has established a foundation of values and kindness in her home. Equally, we salute the working woman in her professional arena for her efforts in driving prosperity for Oman.
May every year witness distinguished Omani Women.