Webinar: Business Vs COVID-19
29 June 2020

Webinar: Business Vs COVID-19
In a friendly atmosphere to connect with employees across the company, Daleel management and employees met virtually to reflect on accomplishments and identify the way forward on dealing with upcoming updates under the theme of Business Vs COVID-19. The session was delivered as part of bonding and connecting with employees under the current circumstances.
As per the directions and in line with the concerned authorities, Mr. Zhang Jianli, Managing Director at Daleel Petroleum highlighted the importance of safety precaution measures while coexisting with COVID-19 in carrying out official duties at minimum risk. Mr. Dawood Al Badaai, Quality, Health, Safety, Security & Environment (QHSSE) Senior Manager shared insights on the efforts of the Emergency Response Team during the pandemic and its plans for the upcoming weeks. This was followed by, Mohammed Al Abri, Occupation Health Advisor who joined to brief on the actions taken to promote precaution measures among employees. With an excitement to know more about business Vs COVID-19, Ali Al Abri, Business Planning Manager discussed the impact of COVID-19 on Daleel business in different aspects; projects, budget, production and employees’ benefits.
The webinar was scheduled to engage employees with the recent updates and to strengthen bonds among Daleel Family. With harmony and unity, the gathering achieved its goals in integrating corporate departments and sections. We at Daleel Petroleum believe in the importance of dedicating joint efforts within the spirit of one united team to get through these challenges together. The company’s objective is toward operational excellence while maintaining safety in our daily operations; people, assets, communities and surrounding environment.