Webinar: COVID-19 Impact on Oman’s Business and ICV
17 June 2020

Daleel Petroleum in collaboration with Business Gateways Staged a webinar to brief Joint Suppliers Registration System (JSRS) community with latest updates on the impact of pandemic on Oman’s procurement and In-Country Value (ICV) under the theme COVID-19 Impact on Oman’s Business and ICV. The initiative was delivered as part of the company`s Local Business Development Road Map.
The objective is to help local suppliers to achieve business sustainability and supply chain resilience in facing the crises. Mr. Jamil Al Riyami, Contracts & Procurement Manager at Daleel Petroleum discussed the measures taken to contract the adverse effects of the pandemic on business and provided some advices on finding business leads and opportunities in the current market. His colleague Ghassan Bait bin Saleem, Senior In-Country Value Analyst discussed the current market forces and how Oman`s ICV policy can support local suppliers overcome the challenges and how international suppliers can develop local partnership and contribute positively to ICV.
The event was attended by more than 200 participants’ majority representing JSRS registered companies. JSRS is Oman’s Oil & Gas approved registration portal by the Ministry of Oil & Gas which has over 9,000 registered vendors sourcing to oil & gas operators in Oman.