A Sustainable Environment for Us and for Oman.
22 February 2021

A Sustainable Environment for Us and for Oman.
Daleel is Walking the Green Pathway
The Omani Government has recently implemented a ban on plastic bags to reduce consumption of single use shopping bags and preserve the environment for future generation. Daleel Petroleum, a dedicated advocate to the environment, is proactively supporting this direction by encouraging its own employees to adapt to multiple use shopping bags.
Following the government announcement, Daleel distributed jute bags to all employees as an encouraging gesture to reduce use of unrecycled plastic waste. This is not the only eco-friendly initiative adapted by Daleel Petroleum in its corporate environment. The company also introduced office waste segregation bins to mainly segregate paper waste & plastic waste. Employees took the initiative on board and event started to segregate metal cans and glass at the central segregation unit. The collected segregated waste was then delivered to a specialized recycling company.
This year, Daleel has piloted an initiative to reduce usage of plastic water bottles in office. Embracing a new culture and a sustainable environment for us and for Oman.