QHSSE Annual Workshop
08 November 2022

Daleel Petroleum Company organized its annual Quality, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment Management Workshop for the year 2022 in accordance with the company's key principles towards achieving the target of Zero incident.
This workshop was designed to gather QHSSE key stakeholders under one roof to overcome challenges and enhance overall safety culture. The workshop was interactive. The attendees shared their positions through the accidents and experiences that occurred and the best way to deal with these accidents. Moreover, the workshop included several important dialogues that lie in the importance of the work carried out by these departments and the great responsibilities of their roles.
As a commitment from the company to implement these practices and to emphasize them through daily practices, the workshop included participation from the top management in the company. Mr. Wang Hua, Managing Director at Daleel, and Mr. Marrash Al-Kalbani, Operation Director delivered a message on importance of health, safety, and environment leaders and professional roles to avoid any mistakes or obstacles that lead to disasters. He stated that, "Safety is not caused by an accident, and this misconception leads to the acceptance that a certain number of accidents and injuries happen just because they are part of doing business." Mr. Dawood Al-Badaei, QHSSE Senior Manager referred in his speech to the plan and performance carried out by the company, as well as previous statistics and scope of focus in the future.
The workshop included team-building activities to exchange knowledge among attendees and participants from different companies. Daleel Company committed, through this workshop, to emphasize of safety of people, safety of community, safety of environment and safety of assets towards Zero incident.