Daleel Petroleum signs a funding Agreement with UTAS
24 June 2024

Daleel Petroleum signs a signing ceremony with the University of Technology and Applied Sciences
(UTAS), marking a collaborative effort to secure and create a sustainable future for the small companies and the local investments. The ceremony, signed by His Excellency Dr. Saeed bin Hamad Al-Rubaie, President of the University, and Mr. Abdullah Al Shanfari Deputy Managing Director and Mr. Xue Gangjun Finance Director representing Daleel Petroleum.
Additionally, the signing ceremony emphasized the importance of connecting and building new opportunities to enrich the Local Content portfolio and to support the educational institutions. This funding of such projects will directly contribute to the development and advancement of the local market and the sustainability of such projects to the country.
By working together, we at Daleel aim to foster innovation, encourage educational advancements, and promote sustainable projects. This collaboration will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the development and growth of the In-Country Value (ICV) community in Oman.